Magical Woodland Sessions

Magical woodland


Woods are an exciting place to take the kids. They are great places to explore, so much to see, touch & smell! Wildlife and nature in abundance. A place to run round, get messy, and have wild fun!

With our magical woodland and walk trails we have a variety of outdoor activities for you to have fun and learn lots of new things from…..

Wood sessions are nature-based activities where we can explore and discover nurturing meaningful experiences for positive lifelong impacts. Wellbeing is the foundation of our sessions and through recognising the social, emotional and physical needs of family and children we provide the guidance and facilitation for our time in nature.

Build a den
Spot wildlife
Make Secret trails
Mud creations
Get to know trees
Discover wild life animal clues
Help grow a plant
Scavenger hunts
Conker picking
Outdoor art and crafts
Track animal footprints
Make a hotel for wildlife
Mini beast hunt
Bugs and beasties
Walking trails
Grow your own vegetables
And much more

For more information please call 01902 880503

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